What is NDT and NDT Career path – All you Need to Know

NDT Career - All You Need To Know

What is NDT 

Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a set of analytical techniques used for evaluating the properties of an object or component without damaging it. Also known as NDT Non-Destructive Examination (NDE), Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI) and Non-Destructive Assessment (NDE). 

NDT is a quality assurance management tool that can deliver remarkable results when used properly. NDT is also utilized in quality control processes.. It requires an understanding of the various methods available, their capabilities and limitations, knowledge of relevant criteria, and features of conducting tests. 

NDT plays an important role in daily life and is essential for ensuring safety and reliability. NDT is used in a wide range of industries such as  Oil and gas, space, energy, electricity, nuclear and chemical power plants, automobiles and transportation… 

 Why NDT is important 

As a quality control and quality assurance management tool, NDT plays an important role in industries such as aerospace, pipelines, bridges, refineries, oil platforms and power stations, as it helps to prevent failures that could adversely affect safety and reliability. This is an important process that underlies all their activities. 

All tools, products and materials have a standard design requirement and life. However, they may need to be replaced or extensively repaired due to defects and malfunctions not identified or neglected during manufacturing/production or service delivery. Otherwise, catastrophic failures are the result of neglecting unsafe conditions and unfavourable conditions. This may also end in the project closure. 

conducting NDT procedures during the manufacturing process or service life of a material or component can help protect assets. and ensure that companies comply with regulations and standards. In addition to security requirements, NDT is used to ensure the efficiency and durability of the equipment. 

 NDT testing Methods 

There are several NDT testing methods available.

Radiographic Testing (RT):

Radiography Non-Destructive Testing is the act of using gamma- or X-radiation on materials to identify imperfections.  

Liquid Penetrant Testing (LPT):

Liquid Penetrant Non-Destructive Testing is the technique of coating a material with a liquid and then looking for cracks in the liquid to find flaws in the material. 

  Magnetic Particle Testing (MPT):

magnetic Particle Non-Destructive Testing is the act of identifying imperfections in a material by examining disruptions in the flow of the magnetic field within the material.    

  Visual Testing (VT):

The act of gathering visual data on the state of a material is referred to as visual non-destructive testing. Visual testing is the most fundamental method of examining a material or object without altering it in any way. 

Ultrasonic Testing (UT):

The practice of delivering high-frequency sound waves into the material in order to discover changes in the material’s characteristics is known as ultrasonic non-destructive testing.   

Eddy Current Testing:

Eddy Current Non-Destructive Testing is a sort of electromagnetic testing that employs measurements of the intensity of electrical currents (also known as eddy currents) in a magnetic field around the material to make findings of the material, which may include defect areas. 

Radiographic Film Interpretation (RTFI):     

 Advantages and disadvantages of NDT 

NDT tests are very convenient because the components being tested do not need to be disassembled or stopped. The portability of NDT devices makes them very convenient to use, which contributes to the efficiency of the test methods used while the equipment is at service. 

Sometimes NDT is the casual or routine process of some companies. Some of the advantages are 


  • Safety:

    Non-destructive inspection to ensure that the components or materials used are not – damaged or faulty and are suitable for use by officers. From the results, we can see if the components need to be repaired, replaced and/or are safe to operate. NDT methods do not damage components and are not harmful to the operator. Comprehensive security can be ensured after inspection. By detecting, resolving and preventing failures or defects using NDT methods, catastrophic failures can be avoided and lives saved. 

  • Quality assurance:

    Non-destructive testing methods offer reliable and accurate results that provide stability and consistency. Since this testing method does not damage the components, all equipment and machinery are to be tested, which will reduce the inaccuracy of the test results and any malfunctions. The assurance obtained from scrutiny is an invaluable achievement of NDT. With proper use of NDT methods, the quality of machinery and equipment can be ensured. This may lead to a successful operational-quality product or service (project or factory performance … etc.) 

  • Failure prevention:

    Undetected errors and Failure can lead to problems like damage to machinery, project shut down. etc… Even disaster failures to the projects and harm human resources may also happen. These can simply be avoided by proper use and implementation and NDT and corrections suggested by NDT technicians. 

  • Cost-Effective:

    NDT methods offer the most cost-effective methods for quality and safety checking. And it can be performed without disturbing work. 


  • Some tests can only be conducted on conductive materials 
  • Materials needed to be cleaned before and after inspection 
  • Electric supply needed to conduct some tests 
  • Equipment needed to perform Advanced testing Methods are Expensive 
  • Regular Maintenance and Calibrations are needed for advanced testing equipment. And which is expensive. 
  • To Conduct Advanced testing methods needed highly skilled opera 

 NDT Career

NDT careers are plentiful and available in any field. They have an impact on the oil and gas, aerospace, automobile, defence and chemical industries. Career opportunities in NDT are on rising as infrastructure projects are on the rise. Technicians, quality assurance specialists, and inspectors working with non-destructive materials and structures play a critical role in quality control. they play a crucial role in completing engineering works or projects.   

you can start an NDT career at any stage of your life. after completing graduation or even after leaving a job can start. Like most other professions, your NDT career is Based on your qualifications, certification and experience. The more gain, the higher you can progress. Obtaining a certificate to test NDT methods opens up new opportunities.  

Qualification and practical Knowledge is very important in the NDT industry because small errors can lead to disastrous consequences. NDT operators should refresh their skills, knowledge and certifications at regular intervals.  

ASME and ASNT are some of the organizations that create NDT standards and codes, and also both are certification bodies.  

To start a new career in NDT, Level 1 and Level 2 NDT certification is give you an Upper hand in the industry.  

Adi institute is providing ASNT Level 2 Certification and courses for students. 

 What does an NDT technician do?   

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) technicians examine the physical properties of materials and components to detect damage, corrosion, cracks, defects, and other imperfections that may lead to unreliability in product performance or, in the worst case, product failure. They also inspect the plant machinery to determine if maintenance is needed. 

A non-destructive testing (NDT) technician uses different types of techniques and methods to inspect materials, components, structures, and systems to detect structural defects as per the material and working conditions. 

Duties of NDT technician: 

  • Testing the Materials  
  • Interpreting and preparing test reports 
  • Calibrating and Maintaining Equipment 
  • Developing Processes for Safety 

Testing the Materials 

NDT Technician has the wisdom and knowledge of NDT methods to test different materials according to material, component, structure, or system being tested. 

Technicians’ conduct testing for materials and structures for possible faults such as cracks, corrosion, flaws and other imperfections 

Preparing Test Reports for Material Testing 

After conducting the tests, a technician analyzes the results for acoustic emissions, leaks, liquid penetration, unknown vibrations, and anything that looks out of place. This helps to ensure the materials are safe and the machinery is ready for use. The production may even be halted if serious flaws are found.   

Calibrating and Maintaining Equipment 

Maintenance is always important for every mechanical instrument, equipment and tool. NDT Technicians should calibrate the settings based on the material being tested. Also, after a test, it is important to make sure that the equipment is ready for further use. 

Developing Process for Safety   

 An NDT technician will develop process checklists, teach other NDT technicians, and show suitable testing methodologies for machines and materials. It is important to keep everyone safe that is involved with the non-destructive test. 

Before selecting NDT as your career. Check that you process these skills and interests or can you develop these?   

  • strong analytical and problem-solving skills    
  • Some Interest in science and engineering    
  • an eye for detail    
  • Will need the ability to use a wide range of tools and instruments    
  • Should aware of health and safety issues    
  • Needed a good IT skill    
  • Needed good communication skills.    

There are many different skills that will help you be a good NDT technician. The most important skills you will learn during an NDT technician program at a school include attention to detail, taking responsibility, having good communication…etc..   

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